Welcome to Fredrikstad; 
City of Culture, Art, Festival, Business, Shopping, Education, Travel, Food & Drink, Cafe-Bar-Restaurant-Club-etc... Ps: Do you have any event organisation, call us, we can coming and make photo or help you with all another tings... Use the paypal to supporting us, thank you... 
-You can fallow&like us on facebook and let to know about the city life...
-They are coming magazine (per 3 month) and newspaper (per 2 weeks) that you can read about fresh news of the city... 

Velkommen til Fredrikstad Life Magasinet; 
Kjære leser; her hoss finner du alt mulig informasjonen om/i Fredrikstad; nyheter, uteliv, hva skjer, sport, kultur-kunst, konserter og festivaler, film, tur, shopping, utdanning, business, kurse, cafe-bar-restauranter-nattklubber, og mer. Takk for tro, støtte, sponsing og annonseringen... Les 

mer om oss og tjenestene vårt med nye priser under "nors-info"...  Lykke til og vi sees snart, følg og like oss på facebook... Mvh - FLM Team 

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Website launched

Our new website has been launched today. Thank you that you can sport me-us... 
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Fredrikstad Life Magazine

7/24 Service (foto, video, media, news, party, travel, culture-art, info, etc) +47-98887164